Sunday, December 6th at 11 a.m. at the West Sound Community Club,

Episcopal Bishop Craig Anderson will give a talk about his experiences while serving as Bishop to the Diocese of South Dakota where 80 of the 118 churches he served were on the various reservations of the Great Sioux Nation. “My experiences on the reservations changed my world view,” Bishop Anderson reported. “I learned so much — from the people I met, the rich spiritual traditions and the full spectrum of human experience on the reservations.”

Bishop Anderson was adopted by the Oglala Tribe of the Pine Ridge Reservation and given the name “Wanbli Tokaheya” (Leading Eagle) at the 112th Niobrara Convocation, a gathering of the 80 Episcopal Indian churches on the eight reservations. In recognition of his work combating racism in South Dakota, he received the Governor’s Award for Reconciliation in 1990 and 1991 and was awarded the Sacred Hoop Peace medal in 1991 by the Great Sioux Nation.

Bishop Anderson currently serves as an Assisting Bishop for The Diocese of Olympia and as Rector of Emmanuel Episcopal Parish on Orcas Island. He was ordained to the diaconate in 1974 and the priesthood in 1975.  He received his M.A. and Ph.D. in theology from Vanderbilt University.

This event is sponsored by the Orcas Island Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (UUF). All are welcome. For more information on Orcas UUF go to For more information on the event, please call Suzanne Olson at 376-8007.