— by Nadia Prupis for Common Dreams —

Environmentalists and Indigenous rights advocates celebrated on Thursday [June 30] after a judge struck down the Canadian government’s 2014 approval of a controversial pipeline project in a landmark ruling.

The court found (pdf) that the government had not done enough to consult with First Nations communities that would be impacted by the building of the Northern Gateway pipeline, approved under then-Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

The decision “confirms that the environmental assessment of major pipeline projects was badly eroded by the previous government’s dismantling of environmental laws,” said Barry Robinson, an attorney for the environmental law firm Ecojustice, which brought the case.

To read the full article, go to https://www.commondreams.org//victory-canada-court-strikes-down-northern-gateway-pipeline

To read a related article, go to theguardian.com/world/2016/jun/30/canada-court-overturns-oil-pipeline-northern-gateway

(Thanks to Paula Treneer)