State Democrats announce Rank honor.

State Democrats announce Ranker honor.

Washington Conservation Voters, the political voice for the environment, today awarded State Senator Kevin Ranker (D-40) its highest honor by naming him the 2013 “Legislator of the Year.” Senator Ranker was bestowed this award for his outstanding leadership during and following the 2013 Legislative Session.

“Senator Ranker was instrumental in stopping dozens upon dozens of environmental rollbacks and spearheading efforts that would protect our environment and aggressively tackle climate change,” said WCV Executive Director Brendon Cechovic, “He was our most effective champion and we can always count on him to stand up for our communities and a healthy environment.”

Highlights from the 2013 Legislative Session include:

  • As prime sponsor, Senator Ranker worked with Governor Inslee to pass the new Governor’s first significant bill to address climate change and has been a strong voice for carbon reduction as a member of the Climate Legislative Executive Workgroup.
  • Senator Ranker led the effort to defeat over a dozen attempts to severely weaken I-937, the Clean Energy Initiative, which to date has helped generate over $8 billion in renewable energy and green jobs in Washington State.
  • He defended the Model Toxics Control Account (MTCA), the state’s most effective program for cleaning up toxics waste sites, preventing future toxic sites, and empowering local communities facing toxic threats.
  • As the Senate Democrats’ leader for Natural Resource budget items, Senator Ranker successfully navigated budget negotiations to secure an unprecedented level of funding for programs to restore Puget Sound, reduce toxic stormwater runoff, and promote recreation.

“As the ranking minority member on the Senate Environment Committee, it was Senator Ranker who stepped up to block the Majority Caucus’ anti-environmental agenda time and time again this past session,” said WCV State Lobbyist Clifford Traisman.

Upon hearing the announcement, Senator Ranker was honored to receive the news. He responded, “A healthy environment is critical for not only our natural and recreational resources, but the thousands of jobs that depend upon them in Whatcom, Skagit, and San Juan Counties, and throughout our great state. I’m proud to work alongside WCV to tackle the many challenges we face like dramatically reducing greenhouse gas emissions, cleaning up Puget Sound, and creating a new clean energy future for all Washingtonians.”

Legislator of the Year is WCV’s highest honor, awarded to one state legislator each year. Senator Ranker will be featured at Washington Conservation Voters’ Annual Breakfast on Thursday, October 10th. Learn more at