Thursday, April 7, 5:30 p.m., Sea View Theatre

— from Michael Riordan —


Remote Midway Island, a thousand miles northwest of Hawaii, lies near the center of the Mid-Pacific Gyre, where much of the plastic detritus entering the Pacific Ocean has been concentrating. Through photographs and film clips from an ongoing project on this island, artist Chris Jordan will bring to light the tragic effects of this plastic pollution on the Laysan albatross that nests there.

He also celebrates the arresting beauty of these magnificent seabirds, while unfolding the metaphor of Midway as a pivot for humanity’s conflicted relationship with the natural world.

On Thursday evening, April 7, Jordan will show photographs and film clips in an Orcas Currents presentation titled “Encountering Midway,” beginning at 5:30 pm in the Sea View Theatre in Eastsound.

His “Midway” trailer can be viewed below:

Jordan is a photographer and filmmaker based on Whidbey Island. His artistic work explores contemporary mass culture, especially the enormous amount of waste being generated today and its impact, from a variety of photographic and conceptual perspectives.

Jordan’s photographs have been exhibited around the world in solo and group exhibitions. He has received the International Prix Pictet Commission Prize, the Ansel Adams Award for Conservation Photography, and the 2007 Green Leaf Award of the National World Museum and United Nations Environment Programme.

An engaging public speaker, Jordan conveys the beauty and destruction he has witnessed in a manner that still manages to inspire audiences. Orcas Islanders from many walks of life will be enlightened but disturbed by what he has to show and tell us.

As for all Orcas Currents events, admission is free, but donations are welcome.