Enchanted Forest Cabaret at Orcas Center's Black -- escape to local hilarity and wonderment! Now playing!

Enchanted Forest Cabaret at Orcas Center’s Black — escape to local hilarity and wonderment! Now playing!

a review by Margie Doyle

Gold lamé, floating feathers, zany wigs, white go-go boots, broad winks, sparkles and suggestive wiggles were some of the lightning sparks that exploded in Orcas Center’s Black Box tonight as wild abandonment and sly mimicry ruled the stage of Enchanted Forest Cabaret 2013: Inflatable Club Cloud 7.

The wildly hammy burlesque aspects of the show didn’t disguise the brilliant and often beautiful talents of stars Grace McCune, Jake Perrine, Cali Bagby and Khadoma Colomby. McCune, outfitted in gold from head to toe with a Cleopatra wig and Jake Perrine, with his deliciously sleazy Dr. Livingstone (complete with sock garters), opened the show with the gusto and pure joy that dominated the evening.

They were soon joined by backup singers Donna Laslo and Kristen Wilson in pop art dresses and white go-go boots, with no glitter spared, with Khadoma Colomby completing the trio.

Jim Shaeffer-Bauck was unrecognizable as a blond Elvis, and later, as a bag man singing love songs to tin cans. Kellen Comrie dazzled, Liberace-like, including a gleaming, sinister smile, at a moving keyboard.

Stormy Hildreth was stunning and poised as a torch singer crooning out “Blue Moon.” Similarly, Khadoma’s performance of “You Only Live Twice” was mesmerizing in its smoky beauty. A long-legged Matthew Laslo-White astounded with his magic-making.

Cali Bagby’s gothic, grotesque performance in black lace tights, leather boots and feathered skirt, was outrageous and riveting — and most of the performance was with one hand “tied”  behind her back except for moments when a wicked, toothy black puppet appeared.

Dancers Charles Dalton and Ed Lago joined the other men in a ribald dance, Chihuahua, complete with Chippendale collars and tear-away clothing.

Among Theatre Productions Director Deborah Sparks’ gifts to the theater arts community is her nurture of young performers, and this show was no exception as Ray Doss, Paris Wilson, Matthew Laslo-White, Diego and Alanna  Lago romped on stage, singing and dancing with a grace and professionalism that belied their years.

That the show’s pace was seamless and awesome; that its hilarity, music and visual effects were captivating, are understatements. The talents of the performers were brought out splendidly through  Sparks’s conception and direction of the Cabaret show, aided by a robust creative team. Sparks writes in the program, “my biggest thanks to my muses and collaborative partners, Grace McCune, Jake Perrine and Chris Brehms.”

Sparks also credits the loan of the inflatables, the white anemone-like clouds that float cloud-like from the Black Box ceiling. The inflatables are the work of Doron Gazit, whose creations can be found at www.AirDD.com

The show will run, Thursday through Saturday evenings at 7:30 for the next two weekends — Oct. 10-12 and Oct. 17-19. Don’t miss it — your psyche, your soul and your imagination need to see this show!

Tickets for “Enchanted Forest” are $15 for adults, $11 for students ($2 off for Orcas Center Members) and may be purchased at www.orcascenter.org or by calling 376-2281 ext. 1 or visiting the Orcas Center Box Office open Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from noon- 4 pm.