— from Emmanuel Episcopal Church —

Tom Murdock and Judy Schliebus present a check benefiting the Food Bank to Jeannie Doty

Tom Murdock (left) and Jeannie Doty (right) of the Orcas Island Food Bank receive a $500 check from Emmanuel Church from Judy Schliebus (center), president of the church’s St. Agnes Guild. The church group raised $5,000 for Orcas charities in its 2016 Market Day sale.

The Food Bank. The Children’s House. Camp Orkila. The Exchange.

These are a few of the Orcas Island charities that received checks this past week from Emmanuel
Episcopal Church, thanks to all the islanders who bought bargains at the church’s Market Day
sale in July.

“A big thanks to our friends at the Emmanuel Episcopal Church,” said Susan Anderson, director
of the Children’s House. “We could not be successful without the support of so many others in
our community.”

Emmanuel’s women’s group, the St. Agnes Guild, has conducted its Market Day rummage sale
every year for more than 60 years. It’s the church’s largest annual outreach effort.

“We’re grateful for the support everyone contributed to Market Day this year, and are delighted
to share the proceeds with our community,” said Judy Schliebus, St. Agnes Guild president.

“Orcas Island has so many worthy non-profits. I love the way we work together on this island
for the good of all of us. Market Day is one way Emmanuel can help,” said Father Gandara-
Perea, Emmanuel’s rector (better known as Berto).

Emmanuel’s 2016 Market Day proceeds recipients include:
• Camp Orkila
• Children’s House
• The Exchange
• Food Bank
• Hearts and Hands
• Kaleidoscope
• Mercy Flights
• Orcas Community Participatory Agriculture
• SAFE:Social change. Advocacy. transFormation. Education. (formally DVSAS –
Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Services)
• Senior Center