Charter Propositions Passing

By Margie Doyle

As of 8:13 p.m. on Election Day, Nov. 6, with 8,877 ballots counted and an estimated 2,000 votes left to tally, the ballot results are definitive in many county races:

Both Orcas Island School District Bonds have passed; the technology levy with 1,759 votes in favor, or 67.09%; and the General Obligation Bonds to renovate the 1980s buildings passing with 1,635 votes, or 62.57% .

The Orcas West County Council race shows Rick Hughes with a healthy lead of 887 votes or 68.39%  over Scott Lancaster’s count of 410 votes of the ballots counted.

The County Charter Review Propositions are passing, with varying margins:

Proposition 1, reducing Council members from 6 to 3 has been approved by 55.44% of voters;

Proposition 2, regarding County executive and administrative duties, is ahead by 56.48%

Proposition 3, regarding open public meetings, holds a 84.59% passing rate.

The Initiative Measure prohibiting GMO cultivation is passing by 60.89%

Incumbents in State representative elections are also winning in the county races: Senator Kevin Ranker with  69.45%, Representative Kris Lytton with  74.47% and  Representative Jeff Morris with 74.32%.

The next vote tally will be on Friday, Nov. 9 at 5 p.m.

For complete county voting results, go to