–by Margie Doyle, updated at 6:30 p.m. —

UPDATE: Nov. 8 at 7 p.m.

With 6,799 ballots counted, and an estimated 200 ballots left to count in the general election:

The Orcas Island School District Bond Proposition to Construct, Renovate and Improve School Facilities for $10,800,000 had been approved by 1,633 votes — 73.39 percent of votes counted. Rejecting votes were numbered at 592 — 26.61 percent.

The Orcas Island School District Capital Projects Levy was approved by 1,454 votes (65.85  percent of ballots counted). It was rejected by 754 votes ( 34.15 percent of ballots counted).

Wednesday, Nov. 7: Nails bitten down to the quick Orcas Island School Board members waited together to learn of election results on Tuesday evening, Nov. 7. By midnight, they learned the news, which the county elections department made official this morning.

As of 8:42 a.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 8 the School Bond Proposition to Construct, Renovate and Improve School Facilities for $10,800,000 had been approved by 1, 164 votes, or 71.76 percent of the vote. Those voting to reject the bond measure counted 458, or 28.24 percent of the vote.

The School Capital Projects Levy was approved by 1, 026 voters, or 63.65 percent; those rejecting the levy numbered 586 (36.35 percent of the votes counted.

Orcas Island School District Board Chair Janet Brownell said, “I am tremendously proud of our Orcas community, and have deep gratitude for the vote of support for both the bond and the levy. The changes that will be made throughout the campus, from fields, to the old gym, to repairs in the elementary and high school, and more will see the district healthy and maintained well into the future. Most of all this is a win for our students and staff. They will now have a thoroughly revitalized campus which will create the best environment for learning and growth. Not to mention the end of those potholes in the parking lot.”

In other local election news, Barbara Bedell retained her seat on the Orcas Fire and Rescue commission by a vote of 1,051 or 73.65 percent of the ballots counted. Challenger Ed Sutton received 376 votes, or 26.35 percent of the votes counted

Of 12,874 Registered Voters, there was a 3892 percent voter turnout. As of Wednesday, Nov. 8, 5,010 ballots had been counted with an estimated 2,000 votes left to count.

The next vote count will be posted at 5 p.m. on Nov. 8. See https://results.vote.wa.gov/results/current/sanjuan/ for updates.

The vote certification date is set for Nov. 28, 2017.