oief art Anne Ford

Orcas Elementary teacher Anne Ford McGrath and Orcas Open Arts member Penny Sky point out the imaginary sea creatures collected and displayed by Nancy Knapp's fifth grade students.

By Margie Doyle

The Orcas Island Education Foundation (OIEF) pulled out all the stops in its annual “Food for Thought” fundraiser on Saturday, May 26. It was assisted by many, whom OIEF President Janet Brownell thanked following the barbeque dinner at Camp Four Winds, but the Foundation Board — Brownell, Michelle Reed, Barb Skotte, Susan Stoltz-Kau and Kim Freeman — has been in full-throttle party (fund-raising) mode for months.

This year, they swerved from their “theme” auction items of artwork of fish, boxes and eggs featured in past years, to zero in on the artwork made by their chief beneficiaries: the public school kids of Orcas Island.

Much of their artwork, done by individuals and as class projects, was claimed before dinner in a silent auction.

The sit-down dinner was made by the OIEF board, Four Winds’ Director Paul Sheridan, who prepared smoked beef brisket — the best ever eaten, according to guests young and old — and Scott Lancaster, who made burgers.

Brownell acknowledged the significant support of all in the “Food for Thought” success, singling out Shawna Franklin’s event poster and print, Camp Four Winds facilities and donation, Sheridan’s brisket, Lancaster’s hamburgers, and especially the artists and schoolchildren whose work was the centerpiece of the evening. She also thanked the OIEF board, who circulated at the event, tallying guests’ purchases.

Brownell briefly touched on some of the OIEF achievements just this year:

  • lab tables for science classes
  • establishment of a knitting club
  • sixth-graders’ trip to Olympic Park Institute
  • applied physics and advanced placement classes
  • middle school exploratory art classes
  • staffing support for school secretary and para-educators
  • high school basketball teams
  • school bus service on Fridays
  • school library
  • scholarships

Janet Brownell and Kyle Freeman, auctioneers extraordinaire at the OIEF "Food for Thought" fundraiser

Following dinner on the grand veranda of the camp’s lodge, Brownell and Orcas Elementary/Middle School Principal Kyle Freeman took command of the event to auction off other student artwork, made with the assistance of island artists and classroom teachers. The  bidding was fast, hot and highly entertaining on classroom projects — a quilt, chandelier, and display art —  egged on by Freeman and special guest, State Senator Kevin Ranker.

A final round of cash donations by bid became a contest between the east and west sides of the long row of seated guests, with Freeman whipping the contributions from a sole participant to 12 bidders.

In thanking OIEF guests, Brownell quoted from a letter just received, written to OIEF by an Orcas 2008 graduate, who is now about to graduate with a Bachelor of Science degree in physiology and chemistry — a future doctor. The student wrote “I could not have done this without you.”