Say it ain’t so Joe! er Kevin!

It was with a sickening sense of deja vu that we note Kevin Ranker sponsoring a bill for a new ferry financing study. Looks like the island solution of study, debate, study, debate continues even with the new “leadership” of Ranker as the State Senator for the 40th Legislative District.

The Cedar River Plan proposed some solutions, but they weren’t “popular” and no one wanted to risk the popular vote or collegiality in the legislature, so it’s back to rearranging the deck chairs.

What’s called for is some dynamic leadership in pursuit of a bold vision, much like, dare I suggest, Tim Eyman had eight years ago when he led the voters to ax the Motor Vehicle Excise Tax, thus devastating the ferries operational budget. There has been no political “will” to devise sustainable funding for the ferries, even before the ever-growing budget deficit was monopolizing budget debates.

And while we “entertain” ourselves with arguments about Plan A or Plan B, the legislators resume their posts at new horses on the same merry-go-round.

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