— by Lin McNulty, Managing Editor —

This week, violent, hateful stories poured in from across the country and the world as we all tried to cope with the hate, anger, and violence that is streaming across our screens. Bombs, mass killings, intended assassinations, targeted shootings, a murdered journalist — I am brought to the brink of tears. Enough.

My housemate will tell me, “then don’t watch it if you don’t like it.” There is some wisdom in that, but it’s not like I am drawn to seek out these stories? Or am I? I don’t recall ever being so attached to the news as I have been in the last two years. But what does it say about me if I just ignore what’s going on around me?

And today, The New York Times published a graphic story on The Tragedy of Saudi Arabia’s War with explicit photos of starving children (deep breath before you click). Then the tears spilled.

What are we to do? Certainly we can’t go back to putting our heads in the clouds, or in the sand. We are long past forcing these wicked genies back into the bottle.

I hope you don’t think you are going to find an answer from me in here. I have no words of wisdom to share, other than we all better damn VOTE.

I’ve been listening to Krishna Das and am able to center myself and briefly escape in between news stories. How are you holding up? Feel free to share your remedy in the comments below.

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