The Economic Development Council of San Juan County (EDC) invites business owners and entrepreneurs to an informative workshop on website improvement. Course leader Shannon Borg, business coach and Squarespace web designer, will show participants how to assess their business websites with a simple tool designed to evaluate sites. 

During the workshop, participants will learn ways to create the three most important pages on business website, attracting more customers, better engaging them, and simplifying customer service.  

Details:  The workshop will be held on Tuesday, March 22, 2022, at 10:00 am via Zoom. Advance registration is required; please register through the following link: following link:  https://sanjuansedc.org/business-resilience-call 

The EDC thanks the WA Department of Commerce, San Juan County, the Town of Friday Harbor, the Port of Friday Harbor, and the Port of Lopez for their support of EDC’s business recovery and startup programs. 

The Economic Development Council of San Juan County (EDC) strives to support small rural enterprises, and conduct projects to stimulate new job creation, strengthen the economic base for working families, and support overall quality of life for islanders. 

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