Wednesday, November 20, 1 – 3 p.m., San Juan Island Library

— from Mickey von Dassow for Economic Development Council —

Knowledge workers can meet with San Juan County business owners at the EDC’s Cross-Industry Symposium. The symposium is designed to connect entrepreneurs with people from other industries who have skills and ideas that could help their businesses grow. The event is on November 20 from 1 – 3 p.m. at the San Juan Island Library, 1010 Guard Street, Friday Harbor. The event is free of charge.

Cross-industry interaction can make existing businesses more vibrant and spark new ventures. This event, part of the EDC’s Knowledge Worker Network Initiative, will provide an opportunity for people who work primarily with information – be it in the form of computer code, data, words, images, or another form – to meet people in other types of industries, such as manufacturing, transportation, and tourism.

Representatives from businesses in diverse industries will give short presentations about their companies; this will be followed by time to meet and mingle over tea and cookies. Presenters will include Island Air, Luxel, San Juan Canvas, SIN Motolabs, and Windermere Real Estate San Juan Island, among others.

This free event is open to all, and people in information-focused professions are especially encouraged to attend. The event will be held November 20 from 1 – 3 p.m. at the San Juan Island Library, 1010 Guard Street, Friday Harbor.

More information on the Knowledge Worker Network is available from the EDC website at

The EDC thanks San Juan County and our funders for their support of this gathering and other EDC programs. This event is not affiliated with the San Juan Island Library.

The San Juan County Economic Development Council (EDC) strives to strengthen and diversify the economy of San Juan County.  We believe a strong economy builds a strong community.