Wednesday, April 22, 10:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m., Outlook Inn

— from Victoria Compton, Director, County Economic Development Council —

EDC Inventors WorkshopEntrepreneurs with inventions in all stages of product development are invited to a dynamic full-day workshop on getting products from idea to market.  The workshop will be presented by the San Juan County Economic Development Council in partnership with the Northwest Innovation Resource Center (NWIRC), on Wednesday, April 22 on Orcas Island.

The course will cover everything that inventors need to know in order to bring their products to market:  idea evaluation, intellectual property, designing and prototyping, marketing, sourcing, manufacturing and crowdfunding.  All aspects of the workshop are specifically tailored to help inventors see their designs and ideas come to fruition.  Taught by experts from all aspects of product development, the workshop will help inventors get their designs into the marketplace.

Details: Orcas Island, on Wednesday, April 22 from 10:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. at the Outlook Inn in Eastsound.   Advance registration is required:  Cost:  $45, covers food and materials.  Sponsored by Rosario Resort and Island Market.

The San Juan County Economic Development Council (EDC) strives to strengthen and diversify the economy of San Juan County.