— from Victoria Compton for Economic Development Council —

  • First and most importantly, don’t panic.
  • Apply for a Small Business Administration (SBA) emergency loan.
  • Familiarize yourself with employment security programs and rule changes (at the WA Employment Security Department) that can help you maintain your workforce.
  • Communicate with your community and customers using online tools or by assisting others in the community.
  • Review cash flow to see where you can cut costs – send out any invoices right now.
  • Create strategic partnerships with other businesses and organizations.
  • Review sales & marketing strategies to get you through the next few months.
  • Set yourself up to do online sales and online gift cards through Point of Sale apps, PayPal, or similar services.
  • Use any spare time to learn something new for your business.
  • Review logistics – how can you get your product to customers and how can you get supplies to your business?
  • Check our our resource page for other ideas

Please be aware that the ESD and SBA are experiencing higher demand than they have ever had.  They have let us know to expect delays and bugs, so if it doesn’t work and you know you are eligible, keep trying or talk to us for help.  They are updating their systems and it will get easier.

Currently business owners, the self-employed, gig workers, and contractors are not eligible for unemployment insurance; however, that will likely change with emergency actions. Keep an eye on actions at the state and federal levels – check www.sanjuansedc.org/covid-19 for resources.

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