The Eastsound Planning Review Committee will meet today, April 2, at 3 p.m. at the Senior Center/County Office Building in Eastsound.
The draft agenda is:

1.  Approve Minutes from November, February and March meetings.

2.  (40 minutes) — 2009 Priority Discussion Led by Patty Miller

3.  (30 minutes) Parking Discussion with Public Works Representatives
What are the options in Eastsound?
Structure for public input at Open House on May

4.  (20 minutes) EPRC and Public comment on peddling ordinance/sidewalk vending

5.  SJ County Long range Planner, Colin Maycock will discuss:
GMA – Change to Comp. Plan for Sewer Compliance
EPA Grant for planning in Eastsound

6. Work Session on April 20 to plan Open House for May 4

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