Thursday, Feb. 4, from 3 to 5 p.m. at the Eastsound Fire Hall

The Eastsound Planning & Review Committee (EPRC) agenda for its regular monthly meeting calls for a discussion of the Streetscape Standards with County Public Works Director Brian Vincent and County Planner Colin Huntemer on such matters as:
• Pedestrian Ramps
• Crosswalks
• Lighting options

Following that discussion other business will be discussed such as:

1. SJCDPW Prune Alley-NBR property discussion – Fred Klein
2. Additional EPRC Member Update – Greg Ayers
3. Subarea Plan Review – Greg Ayers
4. Eastsound Visioning Project Status – Bob Maynard & Jim Jonassen
5. Port of Orcas Proposal – Greg Ayers
6. Lighting Project Update – Dan Vekved

County Councilman Rick Hughes will give a County Council update.

There will be two public comment sessions at the beginning and towards the conclusion of the meeting of the County Advisory Committee. Current members of the EPRC are Greg Ayers, (Co-Chair), Clyde Duke (Co-Chair), Martha Fuller, Ken Katz (retiring member), Fred Klein, and Bob Maynard. Those interested in serving on the EPRC should contact County Council Member Rick Hughes at