The Eastsound Planning Review Committee’s regular monthly meeting on Thursday, Feb. 3, will begin with a public comment period and additions to the agenda.

As formulated, the agenda includes updates from County Council members Richard Fralick and/or Patty Miller on the Planning Docket ((incorporating standards of the Eastsound Sub-area Plan into the County’s Uniform Development Code (UDC)); the Solid Waste disposal issue, the Critical Areas Ordinance (CAO) update and Shoreline Master Plan (SMP) progress and new items.

The EPRC will then consider the adoption of a new meeting structure, per several documents:

  • County Ordinances # 11-2008 and #12-2008 (circulated by Senior Planner Colin Maycock at the Jan. 20 Special EPRC meeting)
  • Draft project review proposal by Gulliver Rankin
  • Material from EPRC member Teri Williams

The purpose of this discussion, according the EPRC Chair Gulliver Rankin, is to “create a consistent and legal format for meetings, project reviews and citizen comment.”

2011 Priorities and Work Plan and lead advisory roles for EPRC members will be identified; the EPRC will also plan its presentation to the County Council at the Feb. 15 Council meeting, scheduled for Orcas Island.

Discussion of the “Nelson File” in order to simplify use tables and evaluate current design requirements will be the focus of a committee discussion on the Eastsound Sub Area Development Standards to be moved into UDC

The committee will also review the McKinstry Vacation rental project and the Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) on the County Comprehensive Plans’ Upland essential public facilities.

The meeting will begin at 3 p.m. at the Eastsound Fire Hall. EPRC members are Gulliver Rankin, Chair, Bob Connell, Clyde Duke, Fred Klein, Peg Manning, and Teri Williams.