Thursday, Sept. 5 from 3 to 5 p.m. at the Eastsound Fire Hall

The regular meeting of the Eastsound Planning Review Committee (EPRC) agenda includes:

  • Discussion of the County Planning Commissioners’ meeting regarding the Eastsound Subarea Plan. That meeting was held on San Juan Island on August 15. (Colin Maycock, Fred Klein and Clyde Duke attended in person; Erroll Speed, Leith Templin and Margie Doyle called in with unsatisfactory reception.)
  • Member John Campbell of the Eastsound Design Review Committee (EDRC) will report.
    County Senior Planner Colin Maycock will give an update on zoning parcels and the next process to take place.

New Business will include:

  • Discussion of Annual report to the County Council from EPRC to be given in November
  • Progress made in 2014
  • Goals for 2015

Projects for review include:

  • awning for the Olga Café in Eastsound, presented by Steve Kline, architect, and Shawn McGarry, contractor.
  • parking spot dedicated for civic functions at Emmanuel Episcopal Church, presented by George Karnikas.

A second Public Comment period and annoucements are scheduled to conclude the meeting.