Thursday, April 7 from 3 to 5 p.m. at the Eastsound Fire Hall

— from Pat Ayers for the EPRC–

The Agenda for the Regular Meeting of the Eastsound Planning & Review Committee (EPRC)
is as follows:

Welcome and Introductions

Additions or Modifications to the Agenda


2016-03-03 EPRC Regular Meeting Minutes

Public Comment #1

Main Topic
Library Update – Phil Heikkinen
Goal: Provide EPRC and community with an update of the Library Expansion Project


Old Business
1. Subarea Plan Workshop – Greg Ayers
2. Eastsound Visioning Project Status – Bob Maynard & Jim Jonassen
3. public Works lot between North Beach Road and Prune Alley – (March expected update from County)
4. North Beach Road/Prune Alley (NBR/PA) Property Owner Discussion – Fred Klein & Bob Maynard
5. Lighting Project Update – Dan Vekved
6. Port Proposal (Feedback to Council) – Greg Ayers

New Business
1. Eastsound Traffic Pattern(s)/Rose Street/Crescent Beach Rd Discussion – Fred Klein

County Council Update – Councilman Rick Hughes

Projects for Review
1. Building-16-0011 – Syre Tree House
2. PSEPA0-16-0004 – Orcas Island Library Expansion

Future Main Topics

Public Comment #2
