Thursday, Dec. 3, from 3 to 5 p.m. in the Eastsound Fire Hall

— from EPRC Chair Greg Ayers —

Main Topics of the December meeting will be:
1. Public Works – Eastsound Streetscape Standards (30 Minutes) – Colin Huntemer
o Goal: To provide Public Works with final feedback pending final approval in January.
2. Department of Community Development (DCD) Feedback (30 Minutes) – Colin Maycock
o Goal: To provide final feedback to County Council.
1. Eastsound Subarea Plan
2. Shoreline Master Program (SMP)

Correspondence will be reviewed.

Old Business to be discussed include:
1. Eastsound Visioning Project Status – Bob Maynard & Jim Jonassen
2. Lighting Project Update – Fred Klein
3. Housing Element Update – Ken Katz & Martha Fuller
4. Short Term Infrastructure Update (Parking) – Clyde Duke & Paul Kamin
5. Additional EPRC Member Update – Greg Ayers

County Councilman Rick Hughes will give a council update.

There are no permit reviews and no new business scheduled. There will be two public comment periods.