The Eastsound Planning Review Committee (EPRC), which serves as advisory to San Juan County government, will hold its regular monthly meeting tomorrow, July 2, from 3 to 5 p.m. at the Eastsound Fire Hall.

Greg Ayers, EPRC Chair issued the planned agenda on July 1:

Main Topic – 2015-2016 Work Plan (EPRC)
• Removal of redundancies & inconsistencies
• Sorting into action vs vision
• Prioritizing
• Selection of 3 – 4 projects for work plan
Public Comment #1
Old Business
1. Public Works Update – Fred Klein / Colin Huntemer
2. Eastsound Lighting Discussion – Fred Klein
a. When to host a community discussion
3. CD&P Update (including SMP) – Colin Maycock
4. County Council Update – Councilman Rick Hughes
New Business
1. 2016 Comp Plan Update – Subarea Plan Goals & Policies – EPRC
a. Vision topics from Town Hall meeting & other organizations
2. Future Meetings – EPRC
a. Library expansion, mooring buoys, others?
3. Meeting with OICF on Community Needs Assessment – Martha Fuller
4. PFFAP Funds for ES Lighting Project – timing vs planning
Projects for Review
• None at this time


Main Topic – 2015-2016 Work Plan (EPRC)

  • Removal of redundancies & inconsistencies
  • Sorting into action vs vision
  • Prioritizing
  • Selection of 3 – 4 projects for work plan




Public Comment #1


Old Business

  1. Public Works Update – Fred Klein / Colin Huntemer
  2. Eastsound Lighting Discussion – Fred Klein
    1. When to host a community discussion
  3. CD&P Update (including SMP) – Colin Maycock
  4. County Council Update – Councilman Rick Hughes


New Business

  1. 2016 Comp Plan Update – Subarea Plan Goals & Policies – EPRC
    1. Vision topics from Town Hall meeting & other organizations
  2. Future Meetings – EPRC
    1. Library expansion, mooring buoys, others?
  3. Meeting with OICF on Community Needs Assessment – Martha Fuller
  4. PFFAP Funds for ES Lighting Project – timing vs planning


Projects for Review

  • None at this time