— from Susan Anderson for Children’s House —

Eastsound mayoral candidates from left to right: Skye, Hudson, Toby, Tyrone and Dr. Spyder

With an early lead in the Honorary Mayor of Eastsound race, Tyrone shows why he’s “fit to govern.” The Golden Retriever has previous political experience and is ready to bound over fellow candidates to reach his goal. Toby, the Bernese Mt. Dog, who unfortunately ate chocolate at a recent fundraiser and had to be seen by his medical team, insists pound-for-pound he’s the better dog for the job and argues his campaign is just getting started.

Dr. Spyder, the only cat in the race, says it’s time for a change. The feline who has yet to disclose his “doctor-of-what?” has been spotted at local fundraisers mingling with supporters, fielding questions as easily as mice.

Underdog Toby currently trails in the pack of five mayoral hopefuls, which also includes Hudson, an English Cream Golden Retriever with a “Buy Local” platform and the perky Skye, a Sheltie Pomeranian who wants to bring a new vibe to the current political climate.

The mayoral race, which features local pets, is an annual fundraiser sponsored by and benefiting Orcas Island Children’s House. Voting is open to both islanders and visitors, who “buy” candidates into office by placing as many votes as they want at area polling locations or online. Look for boxes in businesses around town and Saturdays at Farmer’s Market. Each vote benefits the toddler and preschool program of Children’s House. The race concludes Jul. 1 when a new Honorary Mayor is named and given a key to the Village by current Mayor Lewis (a corgle.)

Vote, follow the election, download the Voter’s Guide, and quickly access all the candidate’s official Web sites via www.oich.org.

Here’s an overview of the candidates currently on the campaign trail.

Candidate: Tyrone (Golden Retriever)
Sponsor: Jillery
Campaign Managers: Pam and Paul Evans
Campaign Slogan: “Fit to Govern”
Top Issues: Developing pet-friendly policies and animal rescue. She additionally wants to improve access to businesses for dogs and owners.
Dog Scoop: Born in Spanaway, WA, the candidate is a full-time Orcas Island resident. He currently resides on a farm where he practices diplomacy, peacefully co-existing with 11 horses, 15 chickens and a cat. He volunteers at the elementary, middle and high school, often supporting students.
Tidbit: In the 2015 race, Tyrone was guide dog, confidante and campaign manager to Eastsound Mayor Jack.
Unique Qualities: Fitness. He has never met a trail on Orcas he didn’t like and encourages others to explore them, as well.
Follow him on Facebook: www.tinyurl.com/Tyrone4Mayor

Candidate: Dr. Spyder (Just a plain cat)
Sponsor: Island Hoppin’ Brewery
Campaign Managers: Toddler Owen and Mom Megan
Campaign Slogan: “Cats rule. Dogs drool.”
Top Issues: Island pest and rodent control. “Drain the swamp (for real)!”
Cat Scoop: Adopted along with his sister, Duchess of Pain, to hunt vermin Dr. Spyder resides in Deer Harbor. A master climber, he enjoys scaling houses, cars, legs and screen doors. He retains a close relationship with his campaign managers – despite a near death experience when he was run over by the family car on New Years Day.
Unique Qualities: Social, tolerant of small children and oddly enjoys riding in cars.
(Not one for a lot of words) Follow him on Instagram: DoctorSpyder

Candidate: Toby (Bernese Mt. Dog)
Sponsor: Washington Federal Bank
Campaign Managers: Linda Bannerman, Brad Brown
Campaign Slogan: “Another chance to vote for Bernie”
Top Issues: Protecting forests, air and sea.
Dog Scoop: Rescued from a breeding operation where he was imprisoned for two years, Toby is passionate about the right of all people and animals to have a loving, safe, affordable home in an accepting community.
Unique Qualities: Jaunty, photogenic and social. Often the first to extend a handshake.
Follow him on Facebook: www.tinyurl.com/Toby4Mayor

Candidate: Skye (Sheltie Pomeranian)
Sponsor: T. Williams Real Estate
Campaign Manager: Brianna Rose
Campaign Slogan: “Skye’s the Limit!”
Political Leanings: “The current political climate is far too much doom and gloom. Time to brighten things up!”
Dog Scoop: Accused of being the “Welcoming Committee,” Skye often leads the way in any scenario he’s put in. He gets along with every creature he’s met and has spent the last six years as bodyguard to his small human, Brady, and is excited to expand into the world of politics. Skye says he runs a clean campaign and will gladly trade cuddles for votes.
Unique Qualities: The 10-year-old doesn’t look his age!
Follow him on Facebook: www.tinyurl.com/Skye4Mayor

Candidate: Hudson (English Cream Golden Retriever)
Sponsor: Suzie’s Barber Shop
Campaign Managers: Grayson and mom Heather Rosenberg
Campaign Slogan: “Buy Local”
Top Issues: In tandem with his passion for water sports, Hudson says keeping water clean is critical.
Dog Scoop: The 3-year-old loves all forms of water sports, including Stand-up Paddleboards, kayaks, both motor and sail boats. A SeaDoc supporter, he can be found with his family during beach cleanups.
Tidbit: Hudson likes vegetables so much that he eats green beans and sweet potatoes with every meal.
Unique Qualities: He can dress for any occasion. Easy-going, he tolerates all forms of costumes, happily wearing capes, leg warmers, hats, masks, and balloons.
Follow him on Facebook: www.tinyurl.com/Hudson4Mayor

There are a handful of people who’ve called asking how to enter the Bear. The short answer is we’re unable to accommodate incorporating him/her for logistical reasons and too in fairness to the current candidates who have already invested and are focusing on raising funds for Children’s House. It certainly would have been fun if the timing had been different,