Lance Evans, Executive Director of the Orcas Island Chamber of Commerce announced this weekend that it is unlikely the annual July 4th fireworks show in Eastsound will take place this year.

However, there will be a fireworks show on Saturday, July 3 in Deer Harbor, Marc Broman, Deer Harbor Harbormaster,  has confirmed.

Evans said he was “dumbfounded” to hear from the show’s pyro-technician, Karl Petree, who also does the Deer Harbor show, that the “Gentleman’s Agreement” by which Orcas Island and Eagle Fireworks of Chehalis, Wash. have operated for the last 20 years, would not be fulfilled this year.

In the past, the Chamber and Eagle Fireworks may have had some conversation about adding to the show, or changing the sequence of the fireworks, and a bill would be submitted and paid after the event.

Evans said, “It is an absolute mystery to the Chamber of Commerce why our fireworks provider – who has presented the two Orcas Island shows for over 20 years – is not able to mount a show for Eastsound this year.

“We have had extensive communications with the company (mostly one-way from the Chamber), trying to learn why it may not happen. Repeated faxes and phone calls to the company have not been answered.

“The late notice has put us in a real bind,” says Evans.

Evans is aware that following the show in Eastsound last year, the company took the casings that have held the explosives back from storage on the island. “Deer Harbor got lucky this year, when they got in touch with the folks that put on the Friday Harbor show on July 4, and arranged to have the landing craft and equipment used in Deer Harbor on July 3, on its way to the Friday Harbor show the following night.

Evans adds, “This does not appear to be a financial issue.  Many people have inquired whether more dollars will make a difference.  Based on our communications with the company (via phone messages & faxes), with increased dollars offered, we still get no response.  We have also spoken with every other licensed fireworks company in the state to secure a show – all to no avail (not surprising, given the late hour at which we learned of our predicament).

“Senator Kevin Ranker has even called on our behalf to try to get the show on-track.  His efforts are very much appreciated.

“We understand the importance of this annual event for our island, and are upset and concerned that it might not happen.  However, we will continue to work towards a successful conclusion.”

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