Friday – Wednesday, August 15 – 20

— from Samara Shaw —

Upcoming events, presented by Earth Wisdom Foundation, will bring Earth Wisdom teachings into the light of the Rainbows for the San Juan Islands. Teachings with instructions on the healing of Mother Earth’s Sacred Sites will be introduced by Bavado Tatun Corazon, aka Rainbow Thunder Heart, the founder and president of Earth Wisdom Foundation.

Bavado is an Eastern Shoshone Tribal Member from the Wind River Indian Reservation in Wyoming. Earth Wisdom Foundation offers an educational process on Orcas Island in Mother Nature’s Classroom, with hands on instructions on the sacred sites. Bavado is well known world wide for healing droughts, volcanic energies, floods, high winds along with many other issues within the environments worldwide.

Special guest Mare Cromwell will be joining the group on Orcas. Mare is the author of Messages from Mother….Earth Mother and If I Gave You God’s Phone Number….Searching for Spirituality in America (both award-winning books). Her third book The Great Mother Bible is due out in early fall of 2014. She has studied with Native American teachers for 18 years and sits on the World Council for Wisdom Gatherings. Mare offers workshops and healing sessions locally and long-distance based on the premise we are all connected and the love of the Great Mother can heal all. She calls Western Maryland her home. (Note: she loves Sacred Silliness and is a former worm herder hoping more worms will adopt her soon.)

There will be educational classroom teachings about how the circle ceremonies operate and work, including three days of instructions and experiences within Mother Nature’s Environments. The Medicine Wheel Wisdom Teachings include the function of the ceremonies, and will be supported by scientific explanations as we heal ourselves, the sacred sites and the environment simultaneously.

Starting Friday, August 15th thru Wednesday, August 20th, 2014, Bavado will explain what the Medicine Wheel and Purification Lodge ceremonies represent from his Eastern Shoshone perspective; including teachings about Grand Mother Spider’s Web of Life and the Turtle Lodges, also known as Sweat-lodge Ceremonies, which represent living on the Turtle’s back within the lands of the Americas.

We welcome Orcas Islanders and others, for three days of instructions and teachings. For those interested in this type of experience, who love Orcas and the sacred sites here, we invite you to rejoice with fellow brothers and sisters from all nations and cultures in this most joyous gathering.
The principles of peace – the laws of nature – will be shared throughout the teaching process, for more energetic, sustainable environments. These events are free to the general public far and wide, and ALL, (including children) are welcome to attend.

There will be carry-in potluck dinners on Saturday and Sunday, following the purification lodges. Space is limited for the purification lodges, so please call if you are interested. Also, camping is available Friday, Saturday, and Sunday evenings – please call if you want to camp as well.

Schedule as follows:

Friday, August 15th
Meet Rainbow Thunder Heart
Teachings around the Fire
141 Cadden Lane, Eastsound, WA 98245

Saturday, August 16th
6:00am – Sunrise Ceremony
7:30am- 2:00pm – Medicine Wheel Ceremony – Turtleback Mt.
(BYO lunch – meet at 141 Cadden Lane)
3:00- 7:00pm – Purification Lodge and Potluck (Please BYO utensils, plates, etc)
141 Cadden Lane

Sunday, August 17th
6:00am – Sunrise Ceremony
7:30am – 2:00pm – Medicine Wheel Ceremony – Mt. Constitution (BYO lunch, Meet at 141 Cadden Lane)
3:00pm-7:00pm – Purification Lodge Potluck (Please BYO utensils, plates, etc)
141 Cadden Lane

Monday, August 18th
7:00pm – Gathering/Sharing/Teachings
141 Cadden Lane

Wednesday, August 20th
7:00pm – Teachings/Sharing/Discussion
What’s Next for Orca’s and Beyond?
Episcopal Church Labyrinth

For further information, contact Samara Shaw at 360-313-8580, or via email.