An illuminating evening on Orcas Island


Jill McCabe Johnson

An evocative poetry reading has become an annual feature of Earth Day Orcas and returns to the Emmanuel Episcopal Church on Friday, May 19th as a gateway to the weekend’s ecology and arts festivities. In the quiet, sacred space of the church, three poets bring their works to life. This free event features Jill McCabe Johnson, Quinn Baliey, and Derek Sheffield, each an award-winning published author whose works reflect their Washington home and universal calls of the wild.

The poetry reading doors open on Friday, April 19th at 6:30 pm with musical accompaniment by David Roth. The gathering is hosted by the San Juan Islands Makers Guild and is convened by the event’s host, Debra Babcock, our Washington State Ferry Writer in Residence.

Following the readings, a book signing hosted by Darvill’s Bookstore is being held. The eco-poetry event concludes with a special luminaria lantern lighting on the outdoor labyrinth that provides time to deepen the magical evening, with music by David Roth in the Parish Hall.

Learn more about the poets and Earth Day Orcas events at


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