Sunday, April 21, 3:15 – 4 p.m., Orcas Center

— from Mark Mayer | Orcas Recycling Services/The Exchange

Our Revolution San Juan County is partnering with Orcas Recycling Services/The Exchange and Orcas Center in the first annual Earth Day Festival being held on Sunday, April 21st at Orcas Center from 3:00 to 3:45. We have prepared a presentation called “Think Globally, Act Orcasly.” This presentation centers around the Green New Deal. For the original text of the Resolution, please go to:

We have four speakers with a Q&A following, time permitting.

David Turnoy, “What Lessons Can We Take from FDR’s New Deal and the Mobilization for WWII to Apply to the Green New Deal?”
David will talk about the New Deal from an historical perspective and how it relates to challenges in the 21st century.

Michael Riordan, “Renewable Energy Jobs and the Green New Deal”. Michael will speak to the issues of economic growth and renewable energy.

Ryan Palmateer, “Transportation Electrification in Washington State and in the San Juan Islands”
Ryan will talk to the core pieces of why we should electrify our transit, as well as some clarification on embodied energy use vs ICE vehicles.

Sharon Abreu, “Why We Need a Green New Deal”. Sharon will talk about what a Green New Deal means for a healthier 21st century society, and how it would challenge the old paradigm of “jobs versus environment”.

Please join us on Sunday, April 21 for this informative presentation.

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