— by Lin McNulty–

From left, Bill Watson, Michael Durland, Bob Jarman and Rick Hughes answer questions from the Eagle Forum

From left, Bill Watson, Michael Durland, Bob Jarman and Rick Hughes answer questions from the Eagle Forum

The Eagle Forum held its candidates forum for the County Council positions up for the public vote in the General Election on November 8: candidates Michael Durland and Rick Hughes for the “Orcas” District 2 position, and candidates Bob Jarman and Bill Watson for the “San Juan” District 1 position.

Hosted by Rick Boucher, the candidates were each asked to respond to ten questions prepared in advance by Eagle Forum and from audience members in attendance.

Speaking to a well-informed and curious audience, LTE, SMP, UBI, GMA, UGA, UDC, ADU, CAO were among the acronyms under discussion, along with affordable housing as the seemingly hot topic.

How much tax would you need for affordable housing, and what would you spend it on?

Jarman: Tax is the last thing on my mind. Throwing money at the issue is not going to solve it. The way to solve it is to make public/private partnerships.

Durland:  Agree tax is not needed. I don’t feel the county has done enough pro-active things with the transient rental market.

Watson: The reason we have a problem is that the old equation no longer works. County needs to participate. If tax monies are to be used, it needs to be broken down by need.

Hughes: Does not support a 1% tax. If county money is to be used, it should be to build the infrastructure to attract developers.

Could guest houses be a source of affordable housing?

Durland: Opening up guest houses to rentals does not solve the problem. Guest houses are in residential neighborhoods, so need to make sure a rental would not adversely affect the neighbors.

Watson: Several incentives could be put into place. If county is going to enforce, it should be restricted to long-term rentals and affordable rent.

What is the biggest problem for the average person in San Juan County?

Jarman: The problem I see with the average county resident is that they don’t have that much interaction with the county government or with the county. Most are unaware of the processes of the county government. The biggest problem for someone coming to county is to find housing.

Durland: Housing, jobs, being able to afford to live here. Going to Friday Harbor for county functions is really difficult.

Watson: Greatest challenge is trying to achieve aspirations. San Juan County lacks economic opportunities.

Hughes: Access to affordable healthcare, long-term housing for folks on fixed pensions. We are the lowest county in W-2-based wage, and highest county, along with King County, in non-W-2-based wage.

The two-hour forum is available in full from Orcas Online, broken down into individual segments for each question.

The next candidate forum is on Shaw on Monday, sponsored by League of Women Voters and will include Kevin Ranker and Daniel Miller for State Senator, and Rick Larsen and  Marc Henneman for U.S. Representative. On Tuesday, the forum moves to Orcas from 5:30 – 7:30 at Eastsound Fire Station.