Monday nights, 6-8 p.m., February 22-April 4, Call for Sign-up

— from Eve Batchelder, DVSAS —

Winter can be a challenging time to be on the island, especially the post-holiday “blah”—when darkness, cold, and low energy can create rising tensions or disconnect in any relationship, including within our families, between partners and parents and children. If you have noticed areas of stress in these relationships of your life, want some new ideas and support for next steps, or are merely curious and interested in learning and sharing techniques to foster healthy relationships in the family, consider attending a seven week “Restorative Parenting” group at DVSAS.

This therapeutic group will combine skill-building interpersonal work, somatic tools to connect with yourself and others, and expressive art and movement practices. Techniques and information will be shared around boundaries, conflict management, saying “no”, mirroring healthy emotions, and communication strategies designed to meet your wants and needs.

Additionally, support will be provided by our in-house therapist for those with specific needs and concerns.

Come as you are, bring a friend, partner, or family member (18+ please), and get ready to chase the winter blahs out of your relationships! Group will be held Monday nights from 6-8 PM, running February 22 to April 4. Light snacks and refreshments shall be provided. Wear comfortable clothes for our movement activities. All genders and sexual orientation welcome!

Space is limited, attendance is free; call DVSAS at 376-5979 to sign up, or email for more information.