Thursday, October 15 at noon, Village Green

— from Eve Batchelder, DVSAS —

IMG_0594Every year during Domestic Violence Awareness, DVSAS of the San Juans sets up silhouettes on the Village Green representing the individuals who have lost their lives due to domestic violence in Washington State. In 2014, 29 men, women, children, partners, and family members died as a result of domestic violence.

On Thursday, October 15 at noon, DVSAS will be holding a vigil in honor of those whose lives were lost too soon. The community is invited to attend and participate in this brief vigil. Advocates will be available to answer any questions and provide additional information as requested.

Each silhouette has a laminated sheet containing information on the victim’s name, age, and a brief synopsis of their death. All are invited to walk through the silhouettes and leave comments or thoughts in a notebook provided on site. The silhouettes will be up all month long.