— from Sheriff Ron Krebs —

April is National Distracted Driver’s month. This is the month where we as first responders and safety coalitions nationwide put a strong emphasis on safety on our roadways. In the San Juan Islands we have more than your average number of people walking, hiking, and biking around our county. As such the effects of distracted drivers can be felt so much more than in larger more urban areas.

In 2012 the NHTSA estimated 3,328 people were killed in crashes involving distracted driving and an estimated 421,000 people were injured in motor vehicle crashes where the driver was either texting or talking on their cell phones. Drivers who use cell phones while driving are over 4 times more likely to be involved in a crash. (Insurance Institute for Highway Safety)

For the month of April, the San Juan County Sheriff’s Office will be putting an emphasis on distracted driving and cell phone use. We will have extra patrols out throughout the month enforcing the cell phone laws in an effort to keep the runners, walkers, and bikers who share the roadways with the cars safe.

Please drive responsibly and put the phone down or pull over to the side of the roadway to talk.