Burton Barn, by Caroline Buchanan

By Caroline Buchanan


If you have always been meaning to learn how to draw or how to draw better, give yourself a treat next week and attend the drawing retreat taught by Caroline Buchanan.  A small group, no more than eight, will meet in the conference room at Smuggler’s Villa Resort where they will immerse themselves in the techniques of drawing.

Drawing is about self-discovery.  Drawing isn’t about “talent.” It is about learning how to see and how to put pen or pencil to paper. The basic problem for those who don’t think they can draw is understanding how to get the three-dimensional world onto a two-dimensional piece of paper.  There really are secrets. Learning these, you are on your way.

Caroline starts everyone with contour drawing — getting the eye and the hand to move at the same speed as they travel on the edges of objects.  Besides contour drawings, participants learn gesture drawings, shading and shadow shape drawings, simple figure drawing and simple perspective.  They try tinted drawings; learn how to draw to scale and how to simplify complicated subjects.

On Monday the class starts at 1:30 and goes to 4:30.  On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday it is 10:00 to 3:30  with an hour break for lunch.  On Friday the group will meet from 9 until 12.

For more information or to register  call Caroline at 376-5509 or read about the class at https://www.buchananwatercolors.com/classes.cfm. The cost of the class is $200. Supplies are very simple: a sketchbook and some pens and pencils

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