From the Ayers for Council 2013 Campaign

Dr. Greg Ayers, a local resident, participated today, [Nov. 26] in a meeting of the White House Business Council held in Washington DC. This meeting allowed for business leaders to discuss the President’s plan for  the  budget and the current situation regarding the fiscal cliff with the Obama Administration. The attendees also discussed job creation, economic competitiveness and middle-class  tax  breaks. Ayers had participated in past events on similar topics, related to Administration initiatives and goals focused on small businesses. Recent legislation, including the “American Jobs Act”, and also changes at the US Patent and Trademark Office, were the result of recommendations from prior meetings.

“It is an honor to have the opportunity to interface with the Obama Administration on topics important to every American” Ayers stated. “I am hopeful that this meeting will provide important input that will allow the  Administration  to  consider  the  impact  their fiscal policy has on small businesses, such as those found throughout the San Juan Islands” Ayers added.

Dr. Ayers first met with President Obama and senior staff members at Cleveland State University in February 2011, where he had the opportunity of spending a few hours with the President and Secretary of the Treasury Geithner. Subsequent meetings have occurred in Washington DC.

“From a personal standpoint, entering the security gates of the White House, Treasury Building, or the Eisenhower Executive Office Building for a business meeting is the experience of a lifetime” Ayers says. “Last night I again flew into Regan National Airport, passing from the air the White House, Capital Building, Washington, Lincoln and Jefferson Memorials. I know it sounds corny, but it sure felt good to be an American”

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