— from J. Garcia for DOWL —

The November 13, 2019 meeting has been cancelled. DOWL will attend the January 2020 Port Commission meeting via phone and present an update to the Commissioners.

The Port of Orcas website and Master Plan page has been updated with Chapter 4 Alternatives for review. The final preferred alternative has been updated and Mt. Baker Road future relocation has been removed from the preferred alternative. An updated drawing has been added for review as well. Incompatible uses with the runway protection zone (RPZ) will need to be addressed in a future study. This preferred alternative will be reflected in the Airport Layout Plan (ALP).

DOWL and the FAA are currently wrapping up revisions to the ALP. Additional chapters and appendices will be posted as they become available. An updated schedule has also been posted to the master plan page.

To provide the project team a comment or submit a question please email orcasmasterplan@dowl.com.