— by Lin McNulty —


Photo: Tacoma News Tribune

On Monday, January 11, Truthout.org posted an exclusive story, entitled “Navy Uses US Citizens as Pawns in Domestic War Games,” detailing the Navy’s plans to conduct combat training on Washington state’s Puget Sound shores.

Truthout’s story begins:

Beginning in mid-January, Navy SEALs will be practicing unannounced and clandestine combat beach landings across Washington State’s Puget Sound and many other coastal areas of that state.

The simulated combat exercises, which will include the use of mini-submarines and other landing craft, will deposit Navy SEALs carrying “simulated weapons” on 68 beach and state park areas in Puget Sound, the Strait of Juan de Fuca and Washington’s west coast, unbeknownst to most of the relevant government agencies tasked with overseeing these areas.

Internal Navy emails, two slide shows (which can be viewed in full here and here) and other documents obtained exclusively by Truthout reveal the vast extent of the operations. They also reveal the fact that the Navy labeled the relevant files as “For Official Use Only” and emails as “Attorney-Client privilege,” a move that exempts such documents from the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).


Following a tip from an alert and concerned Orcas Issues reader, we reached out to State Sen. Kevin Ranker (40th District – Washington) for additional information and his take on the news report. Following is the full text of Ranker’s response:

After some research this seems fairly legitimate. It is likely less dramatic than what the Truthout article states, but there are naval documents that detail plans of training in the Northwest. The Navy appeared to be making these plans controversially confidential, which is why it seems so sudden.

A more composed article from the Tacoma News Tribune reports similar news, but it does not appear so pressing. The article states that Navy officials told the News Tribune that any training was ‘months or years away.’ Governor Inslee’s office reported that it is unlikely that Navy SEAL training would occur or expand without any communication, and after contacting a Northwest Navy officer it does not appear plans are moving forward any quicker than when the office last checked two months ago.

It is also important to note that a lot of the training would take place on federal or Navy owned land, but there have been many complaints from the peninsula in the past about Navy training causing more disturbances than expected. Communication between the Navy Region Northwest and the state has been very poor in recent times as well. It is possible that the Navy is creating a master document of training that has already been planned with maybe some more sites added.

An example of past controversies with the Navy in Washington state can be found HERE.

We are unsure that these newly uncovered training programs will not start as soon as mid-January as reported and may just be a continuation of already established plans. I did not find any information on Navy sites, but officials maintain that the Navy would not move forward without a notice of at least a month in advance.

None of the scheduled or anticipated training sessions involve the San Juan Islands.