By Jennifer Beck Furber

Twenty-five lucky writers will spend an inspiration-filled weekend on Orcas Island immersed in creativity, community and storytelling April 19-21, 2013.

Matthew Logelin, author of theNew York Times bestselling Two Kisses for Maddy, Stephanie Walker, playwright and author of Love in the Time of Foreclosure and Daniel Blue, lead singer and songwriter of Seattle’s own Motopony, will lead writers through memoir, poetry, lyrical and narrative writing.

Photographer Jesse Michener and San Juan Island poet/writer Jennifer Furber will facilitate the weekend. Participants will be housed at Doe Bay’s Retreat House and Harbor House, located on over thirty-eight acres of pristine waterfront property on Orcas Island. In a rustic, down-to-earth environment, participants will explore storytelling and workshop current pieces of writing through guided free writes and solo time to soak in the beauty that is Doe Bay. With a focus on and attention to craft of the written word, the weekend will include an intimate dinner at Doe Bay Cafe and a fire-side open mic for the performance, celebration and readings of works. The weekend will conclude with a breakfast and closing activity on Sunday morning.

The cost is $250 per person and includes food (including dinner at the Cafe on Saturday night) and as workshop materials and lodging. Thursday night accommodation available at no extra fee. Extended stay available. Registration began January 25 via Brown Paper Tickets (