— from Chris Brems —

The newly formed Doe Bay Internet Users Association (DBIUA) presented their initial findings on Saturday, January 25, to a standing-room-only crowd at the Doe Bay community room.

Chris Brems, DBIUA board member, gave a recap of the internet service problems facing Doe Bay residents. He explained that CenturyLink has shown very little interest in upgrading its system to better serve the Doe Bay community.

“Orcas Island was a tag-along when CenturyLink purchased Qwest – to get the larger Northwest market, they had to take us,” said Brems. “We’re what is called a legacy system – old copper telephone wire technology. Because of Doe Bay’s location and limited growth, CenturyLink is not willing to invest in solving our problems.”

Chris Sutton, also a DBIUA founding board member, explained the results of the group’s explorations. Using proven state-of-the-art wireless technology, a fast, stable internet service can be provided to most Doe Bay area residents. When asked why CenturyLink isn’t exploring that solution, Sutton replied, “CenturyLink doesn’t do wireless.”

Feedback from those who heard the presentation was enthusiastic.

Point Lawrence resident Stu Stephens commented, “I was surprised to hear that my neighbors are having the same internet issues I’m experiencing. When I’ve called CenturyLink to complain, they always tell me the problem is with my equipment.”

“To learn that we in Doe Bay are paying the same amount for our on-again, off-again 1.5 mbps internet service as those just down the road in Olga, who receive 6 mbps with no service problems, makes me furious,” said Judy Whiting, Doe Bay resident.

The DBIUA group laid out an implementation plan. “It all appears doable,” explained Sutton. “All of us will need to make a small investment in equipment, but the payoff in being able to keep in contact with the outside world, for pleasure, education and business, will be well worth it.”

For questions, contact DBIUA via email.