— by Chris Brems —

doe bay internet

An aerial view of DBIUA’s current wireless Internet service in Doe Bay, with microwave connection from the mainland.

With reported download speeds of over 30mbps and upload speeds of 45mbps, all the benefits of high-speed broadband have become a reality for Doe Bay Internet Users Association (DBIUA) members.

“The fact that we can now actually watch an HD movie, without signal interruptions, is just amazing. Plus, sending and receiving emails with photographs no longer bogs down our computer,” said Bob Shipstad, Doe Bay resident and DBIUA member. “We certainly don’t miss seeing that little spinning ball on our TV or computer screen.”

“The service exceeds our expectations,” added Shipstad’s wife, Gael. “It’s put an end to our Internet frustration.”

With a $25,000 loan and many hours of volunteer work over the past few months, five Doe Bay residents – Tony Simpson, Shawn Alexander, Tom Tillman and Chris Brems, spearheaded by Chris Sutton – have brought highspeed broadband to the Doe Bay community. “This has been a total grassroots effort,” explained Sutton, DBIUA cofounder and board member. “We’re neighbors helping neighbors. The Doe Bay community repeatedly asked our local Internet service providers for better service; we received no solid answers or solutions. So, in the tradition of Doe Bay’s pioneer spirit, we rolled up our sleeves and did it ourselves.”

DBIUA’s service comes by microwave from the mainland and is delivered with wireless technology to members throughout the Doe Bay community. DBIUA’s service costs $75 a month with no cap on usage. The cost of DBIUA membership is $150 (refundable). Equipment cost is approximately

With a current membership of 25, DBIUA plans to keep its Internet service price at $75 a month for the next three years. After that, once its start-up loan is paid back, service costs will drop to the $50 to $60 range. “We have new inquiries every week. As more members join, our loan will be paid off that much faster,” said DBIUA co-founder Tom Tillman. “The Association is totally member-owned. It’s a nonprofit – no one is doing any of this to make a buck. Our goal is to provide a reasonably priced, stable Internet service to benefit our families, neighbors and businesses out here in
Doe Bay.”

For information or to become a member of the Doe Bay Internet Users Association, visit www.dbiua.org or contact info@dbiua.org