— from Governor Inslee’s Office —

deadly force signing

Joined by dozens of legislators, law enforcement officials and community leaders, Gov. Jay Inslee signed a bill Monday that changes the law for use of deadly force by police officers and requires officers to take additional de-escalation trainings.

The new law (Substitute House Bill 1064) makes changes to Initiative 940, which voters approved last November. The bill results from a multi-year effort that brought community advocates and law enforcement together in an unprecedented collaboration on this issue.

“This is a model for how the country can work through emotional and divisive issues,” Inslee said. “This bill — which passed unanimously out of both chambers — doesn’t fix everything. Far from it. But it’s a start. It’s a sign that we can have this conversation, and that something good can come of it. It’s a sign that we can indeed begin to dismantle and redefine our understanding of justice for all in America.

This is the first bill Inslee signed from the 2019 legislative session. You can read more about the story on the governor’s Medium page. 

READ: Washington governor signs update to deadly force initiative