— from Learner Limbach —

Dear San Juan Islands Community,
As you may have heard, I flew to DC on Wednesday to help stop the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. I don’t need to tell you all the ways in which his confirmation would be a disaster for our country; for women’s rights and in many other ways. Today I was arrested with over 600 others during a non-violent direct action in the Senate building, detained for two hours and released.

I’ll be going back [today] for other actions, and again on Saturday. When I found out tonight that the vote on Kavanaugh’s confirmation was likely to be held late Saturday afternoon I cancelled my return flight that I had for Saturday and will be taking it day by day. What I want to stress to all of you is that this is not over. The energy here is hopeful. We may have the odds stacked against us but there is still a path to getting the votes to block Kavanaugh and we must press on. Don’t listen to the naysayers and the news reports that are making it out to be more bleak than it is. No one knows how the undecided Senators will vote and the media loves to speculate.

I’m fortunate to be here with two amazing women, Fran Tatu and Angie Spencer, and we have discovered we are a really great team. We have started a joint GoFundMe to help defray costs and we are also using that as a platform for posting updates. Please read the latest update on our GoFundMe page for more info about what’s happened so far and what is coming up.

If you have any questions feel free to contact me and I’ll try to my best to answer. I’ll also be posting a lot of updates on Facebook throughout the day.