A new feature has been added to Orcas Issues!

In the course of recent community conversations and workshops, we at Orcas Issues have noticed many times when someone says, “we should do that on Orcas,” that there often is an organization already providing that particular service, such as mentors through the Funhouse Commons, resources through Orcas Family Connections, gun safety instruction through the Orcas Sportsman’s Club, etc.

Orcas Issues would like to help alleviate that situation by making the good work being done by our non-profits, and others, more visible to our community members, and to our readers in particular.

We have launched our new feature entitled, “Did You Know…,” over on our right-hand sidebar. Each time you refresh your page you will receive a new snippet.

And we invite you to participate. Please provide us with at least up to five factoids or bullet points about what your organization does, or perhaps something you wish everyone knew about what you do. We will then post your organization’s information on a rotating basis, bringing valuable visibility to the work you do in our community.

Here’s hoping to hear from you at editor@theorcasonian.com with “Did You Know…” in your message’s subject line.