Wednesday, March 12, 1:30—3:30 p.m., Deer Harbor Community Center

— from Charles Binford —

The Deer Harbor Plan Review Committee will hold its regular meeting 1:30PM, Wednesday March 12 at The Deer Harbor Community Center. In addition to regular agenda business, the meeting will focus on the progress and timeline of the much needed Channel Road Bridge replacement. While the actual project isn’t scheduled for completion until late 2015, the planning, design and community preferences are on the table now and decisions will be made as the various aspects of the project are decided.

The timeline, (for now, but subject to change) for the Channel Road Bridge replacement looks like this:

  • Design (Type, Size and Location) February – March 2014
  • Preliminary Design and Environmental March – September 2014
  • Final Design and Permitting October- December 2014
  • PS&E December 2014
  • Advertise for Bids January 2015
  • Construction Award April 2015.

The Deer Harbor Plan Review Committee has worked in close liaison with San Juan County Public Works personnel for more than a year focusing on the need to remove the blind rise in Channel Road as it fronts The Deer Harbor Fire Station, the troublesome and ever increasing hump in the exit from the Post Office onto Jack & Jill Road and the Channel Road Bridge, certainly the most critical in that it has already been tagged for restricted travel. We have been assured that present bridge with the restrictions will serve safely until a new one can be built.

Colin Huntemer, PE, Senior Project Engineer, San Juan County Public Works Department will be at the DHPRC meeting March 12 as will Rachael Dietzman, Director, San Juan County Public Works Department and Council person, Rick Hughes.

The agenda for the meeting is as follows. The public is invited and urged to participate in these important deliberations.




1. Chair: Call To Order, Quorum, Minutes of last meeting

2. Chair will recognize Public Attendees. Members of public are invited to participate in committee discussions. Chair will recognize speakers.

3. Old Business:

a. The Channel Road Bridge Status, Colin Huntemer & PamKyle (30 minutes)

b. Progress of “The Hump” project David David Shermerhorn

c. The Deer Harbor Marina Fire & Permit Approval

d. Status of Fire Station Meeting Room CUP Filing

e. County Road Signs (The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

4. New Business:

a. Recommodations regarding Thurman Permit to Change Property Designation

b Study and Recommendations Article V (Copy From E-Mail Meeting Notice)

 Questions? Comments? Concerns? Please contact Colin Maycock at 360-370-7573 or via email, or Charlie Binford at 360- 376-3199 or via email.

Details of the Deer Harbor Plan and related matters can be found on the web site of the San Juan County Department of Development and Planning.

The Deer Harbor Plan Review Committee will hold its regular meeting 1:30PM, Wednesday March 12 at The Deer Harbor Community Center. In addition to regular agenda business, the meeting will focus on the progress and timeline of the much needed Channel Road Bridge replacement. While the actual project isn’t scheduled for completion until late 2015, the planning, design and community preferences are on the table now and decisions will be made as the various aspects of the project are decided.

The timeline, (for now, but subject to change) for the Channel Road Bridge replacement looks like this:

Design (Type, Size and Location) February – March 2014

Preliminary Design and Environmental March – September 2014

Final Design and Permitting October- December 2014

PS&E December 2014

Advertise for Bids January 2015

Construction Award April 2015.

The Deer Harbor Plan Review Committee has worked in close liaison with San Juan County Public Works personnel for more than a year focusing on the need to remove the blind rise in Channel Road as it fronts The Deer Harbor Fire Station, the troublesome and ever increasing hump in the exit from the Post Office onto Jack & Jill Road and the Channel Road Bridge, certainly the most critical in that it has already been tagged for restricted travel. We have been assured that present bridge with the restrictions will serve safely until a new one can be built.

Colin Huntemer, PE, Senior Project Engineer, San Juan County Public Works Department will be at the DHPRC meeting March 12 as will Rachael Dietzman, Director, San Juan County Public Works Department and Council person, Rick Hughes.


The agenda for the meeting is as follows. The public is invited and urged to participate in these important deliberations






4319 Deer Harbor Road

March 12, 2014

1:30PM -3:30PM


1. Chair: Call To Order, Quorum, Minutes of last meeting

2. Chair will recognize Public Attendees. Members of public are invited to participate in committee discussions. Chair will recognize speakers.

3. Old Business:

a. The Channel Road Bridge Status, Colin Huntemer & PamKyle (30 minutes)

b. Progress of “The Hump” project David David Shermerhorn

c. The Deer Harbor Marina Fire & Permit Approval

d. Status of Fire Station Meeting Room CUP Filing

e. County Road Signs (The Good, The Bad and The Ugly)


4. New Business:

a. Recommodations regarding Thurman Permit to Change Property Designation

b Study and Recommendations Article V (Copy From E-Mail Meeting Notice)

Questions? Comments? Concerns? Please contact Colin Maycock at 360-370-7573 or at or Charlie Binford at 360- 376-3199 or at

Details of the Deer Harbor Plan and related matters can be found on the web site of the San Juan County Department of Development and Planning: