— by Jovelle Tamayo for the Seattle Globalist

About 100 community members attend a vigil welcoming Jose Robles to Gethsemane Lutheran Church in Seattle, Wash., on Thursday, June 28, 2018. Robles, who was scheduled to be deported Thursday morning, sought sanctuary at the church to stay with his family in the United States. (Jovelle Tamayo for The Seattle Globalist)

About 100 community members — including family, religious leaders and other supporters — gathered for a solidarity vigil Thursday night [June 28], to welcome Jose Robles to Gesthsemane Lutheran Church in Seattle, where Robles is seeking sanctuary from deportation.

The Church Council of Greater Seattle organized the interfaith vigil, during which religious and community leaders demanded action to protect Robles and keep his family — his wife and three daughters — together.

Robles, who moved to the United States from his home country Mexico 18 years ago, was scheduled to be deported at 6 a.m. Thursday, and will stay at the church as his family works to keep him in the country.

To read the full story, go to: https://www.seattleglobalist.com/2018/06/28/seattle-church-offers-sanctuary-to-immigrant-facing-deportation/75386