Wednesday, August 8, 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. at Deer Harbor Community Center

The Deer Harbor Planning Review Committee (DHPRC), formed upon County approval of the Deer Harbor Hamlet Plan in 2007, will be having its regular monthly meeting at the Deer Harbor Community Center at 4319 Deer Harbor Road (the old Deer Harbor Schoolhouse) on Wednesday, August 8, from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.

The meeting welcomes Orcas West County Council candidate Rick Hughes to present his plans to serve in county government. In September, Scott Lancaster, also in the running for the Orcas West Council position, will be presenting his candidacy to the DHPRC.

Charles Binford, Chair of the DHPRC says, “Members of the public are invited to all meetings but especially this and the September meeting to get an up close and personal look at the candidates for the vacant seat on The San Juan Council.”

Agenda for August 8:

1. Chair: Call To Order, Quorum, Minutes of last meeting
2. Chair will recognize Public Attendees. Members of public are invited to participate in committee discussions. Chair will recognize speakers.
3. Rick Hughes is a guest of DHPRC today. Rick is a candidate for election to the San Juan County Council and will give us a brief overview of his objectives and qualification for election. Rick has agreed to answer question from The Committee or The Public in attendance. (Scott Lancaster, also a candidate will attend the September meeting)
It there is time:
4. Bob Connor discussion status of bridge in response to Connor letter to Mulcahy
5. Binford: Pathways/Walkways in Deer Harbor
6. Durland: Discussion, Recommendations & Review of Deer Harbor Plan Look carefully at authority and responsibilities of DHPRC. Cover minimum 10 pages of The Plan for change recommendations.
7. Adjourn
Questions? Comments? Concerns? Please contact Colin Maycock at 360-370-7573 or at or Charlie Binford at 360- 376-3199 or at
Details of the Deer Harbor Plan and related matters can be found on the web site of the San Juan County Department of Development and Planning: