Wednesday, April 10,  from 1:30 -3:30PM at the Deer Harbor Community Center, 4319 Deer Harbor Road

The agenda for the Deer Harbor Plan Review Committee meeting calls for:

  • Chair will recognize Public Attendees. Members of public are invited to participate in committee discussions. Chair will recognize speakers.
  • Presentation by Jay Kimball, Communication Specialist (and Deer Harbor resident) for OPALCO regarding the proposed Broad Band Initiative
  • Question and Answer Session (as long as required before 3:00 PM)
  • Chair will remind Committee members to read and comment directly to [the County Council Clerk] regarding the Draft of The Advisory Committee Ordinance
  • Committee comments regarding SJC Transportation Update of Determination of Non-Significance & SEPA Checklist.

If time permits:

Committee discussion regarding definitions & wordings “Environs” and “Commercial Center” in Deer Harbor Plan as adopted in 2007 (Deer Harbor Plan Review Report by committee is delayed until these wordings are discussed and action, if any, is agreed on)

  • Schermerhorn update Disaster Planning
  • Conner update Bridge and Channel Road revision (new TE Planner)
  • Shoreline Master Program Draft – Areas of Interest to Deer Harbor Hamlet

Questions? Comments? Concerns? Please contact Colin Maycock at 360-370-7573 or at or Charlie Binford at 360- 376-3199 or at

Details of the Deer Harbor Plan and related matters can be found on the web site of the San Juan County Department of Development and Planning. []