Wednesday, May 8, 4 – 5:30 pm, Deer Harbor Fire Station

— from Sheila Gaquin for Deer Harbor Plan Review Committee —

The Deer Harbor Plan Review Committee will meet on Wednesday in discussion of ongoing projects.

Old Business/Committee Updates

  1. Update, if any, on the Wyndham Pier
  2. Wes, update on securing the hitchhiker bench
  3. Response to letter sent to the county requesting help designing and building the pocket park, per motion from March meeting.
  4. Upper Deer Harbor Road progress report
  5. Response from county regarding our inquiry about upland usage for the float additions to the Deer Harbor Marina
  6. Kevin report on discussion with Sue Kollett regarding staggering terms for committee members and how best to do that.

New Business

  1. Officers for the next year: Chair, Assistant Chair, and Secretary.
  2. Application for Lodging Tax Grants—AnneMarie & Sheila

Public Comment
