Wednesday, January 16, 4 – 5:30 p.m., Deer Harbor Fire Station

The Deer Harbor Plan Review Committee will not meet be meeting on the second Wednesday this month, but the following week. The meeting will be held in the usual place which is the Deer Harbor Fire Station on Channel Road at the usual time of 4 p.m.  This is a one time change for January only. The rest of the year the meetings will be held, as usual, on the second Wednesday of every month.

Chair: Call to Order, establish a quorum, approval of the minutes from December 12, 2018.

Chair: Recognize public attendees. Members of the public are invited to participate in committee discussions. Chair will recognize speakers.

Old Business/Committee Updates

  1. Hitchhiker Bench—Wes
  2. Update on Upper Deer Harbor Road project, Jesse Douglas-Seitz
  3. Update, if any, on the Windermere Pier
  4. Update, if any, on the CenturyLink work along Channel Road and it’s relation to our pathway plans.
  5. Report on Release of Liability for the Ketchum/McPherson properties.

New Business

  1. Review our pathway report to LTAC committee.
  2. Review plan for the Pocket Park, Sheila and Mike
  3. Ask the county for a moratorium on permits for vacation rentals in Deer Harbor–AnneMarie
  4. Discuss whether we should change the expiration dates for committee members so they are staggered–Mike

Public Comment