Wednesday, November 14, 4 – 5 p.m., Deer Harbor Fire Station

— from Kevin White —

The Deer Harbor Planning Review Committee will meet on Wednesday, November 14, in the Deer Harbor Fire Station from 4 – 5 p.m. Agenda is as follows:

Chair: Call to Order, establish a quorum, approval of the minutes from October 10, 2018

Chair: Recognize public attendees. Members of the public are invited to participate in committee discussions. Chair will recognize speakers.

Old Business/Committee Updates
1. Pathway spur along the Deer Harbor Road to the Deer Harbor Inn—Jeff Sharp
2. Parking on the pathway. Have the signs solved the problem?
3. Possibility of getting plants for the pocket park from the Land Bank. Mike
4. Hitchhiker Bench Placement—Wes and Jeff
5. Report on ditch construction along West side of Channel Road and potential any for pathway prep—Barry
6. Helsell’s Reservoir – Mike update
Report: Letter of support for county lease renewal at DH Marina sent to Rick Hughes.

New Business
1. Review of our annual report to the county
2. Upcoming vacancies on the committee
3. Potential board member candidate Ryan Carpenter…

Public Comment