Wednesday, August 8, 2018, 4 – 5:30 p.m., Deer Harbor Fire Station #24

— from Sheila Gaquin for Deer Harbor Plan Review Committee —

Deer Harbor Pan Review Committee will meet in regular session on Wednesday, August 8, from 4  – 5:30 p.m. in the Deer Harbor Fire Station.

Old Business/Committee Updates

  1. Pathways—Work to begin in August. Date?
  2. Hitchhiker Bench—Wes Heinmiller
  3. Update on research of traffic “calming” devices—Jeff Sharp
  4. Update on electronic sign relocations and repair
  5. Report on meeting with Rick Hughes and County Manager, Mike Thomas

New Business

  1. Speeding in Deer Harbor—Sheriff Krebs
  2. Building Permit application, not sent last month—Colon Maycock
  3. Survey of Walkers per LTAC Grant—Sheila

Public Comment