Wednesday, February 12, 2014, 1:30—3:30 p.m., Deer Harbor Community Center

— from Charlie Binford —


1. Chair: Call To Order, Quorum, Minutes of last meeting

2. Chair will recognize Public Attendees. Members of public are invited to participate in committee discussions. Chair will recognize speakers.

3. As much time as is necessary will be devoted to “A Sneak Preview” of The Channel Road Bridge Status, presented by Colin Huntemer, PE Senior Project Engineer, San Juan County Public Works Department

4. Old Business: As time permits

Questions? Comments? Concerns? Please contact Colin Maycock at 360-370- 7573 or via email, or Charlie Binford at 360- 376-3199 or via email.

Details of the Deer Harbor Plan and related matters can be found on the web site of the San Juan County Department of Development and Planning.